How do I create and book a repeating shift?

Created on:
September 9, 2022

For a repeating shift you can create a rolling schedule.

Start will clicking on the schedule (pick a date and a weekday you want to start your schedule with). Then fill in the the necessary information and click on "Repeat" at the bottom left corner.

The next step is to define the following:

  • which other weekedays the shift is going to be repeated on
  • how often this pattern will be repeated (every week, every other week, etc.)
  • when the repetition will end

The start date will be the same as the date you have picked in the first step. If you wish, you can change it together with the other settings.

Make sure you check the box next to "Include bookings" if you want that the same employee is booked on all the shifts in the roll-out.

The field "Title" is always prefilled, but we advise you to modify it so that it would be easier for you to identify the schedule later in the future.

Once you have done all that you can simply click on "Roll out".


Just as with single shifts you can first create a non-booked rolling schedule and assign the shifts to your team members later or you can create it and book it at the same time.

To assign shifts in a non-booked rolling schedule you can either drag and drop the shifts to your team members or you can do that in the tab "Book" once you have clicked on one of the shifts belonging to a rolling schedule. In the tab you simply check the boxes next to the names of the people you wish to book, choose whether the booking concerns only one shift or all of the shifts in the repetition and click on "Book".

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