How do I create and book a single shift?

Created on:
June 3, 2022

Click on "Schedule" in the main menu.

As standard each day has a column and each user has a row.

To add a single shift click on an empty box, fill in the shift details and press "Save"/"Book".

  • If you click on the row called "-Blank-" you will add an available shift which can be booked later. For more details read the text below.
  • If you click on one of the user's rows you will directly book that team member on a shift.

To book an available shift located in the row "-Blank-" you click on your chosen shift, go into the tab "Book", check the box next to the name of the person you wish to book and click on "Book". You can also drag the shift in the schedule to the person you wish to book.

To book multiple available shifts at once you click on "Select shifts" at the top right corner and choose the shifts you want to book by simply clicking on them. Then right-click any of the selected shifts, press "Selected shifts" >> "Booking tool". Check the boxes next to the names of the people you wish to book and click on "Book".

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