Each row in the list on Approve page has a color representing current status:
- Red: Time report is missing
- Grey: Time report is ready to be approved
- Green: Time report is approved
- Group: By default, you can choose to group the time reports by date, week, role, shift, user and customer. Click on Choose field to choose another parameter to group by.
- Filter: The rows can be filtered by all of your registries. If you have a customer registry you can for example filter out all rows for a specific customer. Filtering can also be made based on warnings and approval phases.
- Display columns: You can choose the information you want to be shown in the Approve page. The options presented depend on the settings for your shifts and time reports.
- If you want to save the settings for your filters and groupings you can do so by saving them in different tabs at the top of this page.
The settings for warnings allow you to decide how flexible you want to be with deviations in the time reports and whether they are allowed to overlap or not.
The system will show a warning if the time is off by more than the set amount of minutes.
Each row with a deviation has a warning sign which, when clicked, opens a window with more detailed information about how that deviation affects payroll and invoicing.
On rows with both a shift and a time report, you will find two icons: the left one is for viewing and editing the shift, while the right one is for viewing and editing the time report.
The button Report helps you create time reports based on the scheduled hours on rows where these are missing. By clicking on Approve you approve the time report for payroll and invoicing.
You can create/approve time reports on multiple rows at the same time by selecting rows and clicking on Report/Approve.
- To select all of the rows at once you check a box at the top left corner under the button Today.
- To select all rows organised in a specific group check the box at the top left corner of the group header
- To select different individual rows check the boxes on each of your selected rows
For rows with no deviations you can use the button Approve everything without warnings to quickly approve your employees' time reports.
In this page you can send time reports for approval to your customers. Select either one or multiple rows and click on Send for external approval.