In 2015, the United Nations defined 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals – formally known as Agenda 2030. Each goal addresses different social and economic development issues on a global scale, and each goal has their own related target goals. All sectors of society, including businesses, are encouraged to work and collaborate towards these vital goals. Timezynk has identified three goals where our business can make the most impact and contribute, and we have incorporated them as a part of our own strategic goals.
Work-related stress can often be a result of us feeling like we don’t have enough control of our own time, schedule and job-related decisions. When we feel more in control of our own work situation, our stress levels are reduced.
At Timezynk, we’ve therefore made it our priority to reduce the amount of work-related stress, by focusing on both the needs of the staff and the scheduling manager. Below, we will list some of the functions in our workforce management software that increases the staff's own influence over their schedule and facilitates collaboration between them and the manager:
Goal 3.3 – combat infectious diseases. Timezynk online workforce management works in the cloud and provides real-time insights about the planning and availability of the staff, simplifying planning and managing absences. Since all updates take place live, managers can work from home but still have full insight.
8.4 Improve global resource efficiency in consumption and production
8.5 Achieve full and productive employment and decent work conditions with equal pay for all
With traditional workforce planning tools – which are often based on Excel – it can be difficult to keep schedules clear and minimise errors, especially if things are constantly changing. Timezynk makes workforce management easier for companies and ensures that they can follow the current work regulations and laws.
One way that we contribute to this is with our automatic invoice documents. When we receive time report documents, our system automatically links these to the correct invoice documentation. This way we minimize the risk of something being forgotten, provide a better overview of the business and secure economic growth.
Working time schedules provide a simple overview of how much each person should work according to their contracts and how many shifts they currently have scheduled. The system will clearly show if a person’s schedule is overbooked or underbooked and facilitate planning.
With automated salary calculation, our customers can secure a correct salary for all their employees. When our customers enter the current collective agreement in Timezynk, the system will automatically calculate the employee's salary for them, which also helps minimise any mistakes.
Our earlier mentioned functions Availability, Open Shifts, and Requests as well as our system for employee ledgers simplifies administration and minimises the risk of making errors in the scheduling.
Real-time updates and the opportunity to log all changes and who’s made them increase the transparency and prevent any false information.
With our free version we offer companies a tool that can help them grow their business. This contributes to sustainable growth for small businesses.
10.1 Reduce income inequality
10.2 Contribute to social, economic and political inclusion
10.3 Secure equal rights for all and eradicate discrimination
We strongly believe in supporting workplace diversity and providing equal opportunities for all, and the following areas are examples of how we contribute to the goals:
Reducing recruitment bias. In our own recruitment process we minimise our risk of bias and discrimination based on gender as well as age, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation and identity.
When we receive an application, we make our primary assessment based on the candidate's skills and competence and remove all the other information that we deem unnecessary. For example, we don’t know the name or the gender of the candidate before meeting them in person. This allows us to be more objective in the selection and assessment phase of the recruitment process.
Our scheduling functions. Thanks to our functions Availability, Requests and Open Shift (as explained earlier in this article), we can contribute to openness and transparency and give our customers’ staff equal opportunities to select the shifts that suit them best, making them feel included and more in control of their own schedule.
Automated salary calculation. We provide our customers’ staff with a fair and correct salary for their work, regardless of gender or any other characteristic. When our customers enter the current collective agreement in Timezynk, the system will automatically calculate the employee's salary.
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