How do I get started and how quick can I do it?

Created on:
September 27, 2022

In Timezynk you can have a schedule up an running in no time! Here is a small guide of how to set it up with links to articles with more in depth descriptions of the different steps.

  1. Create an account. Easiest way is to do this through clicking on the button "Get started!" on our website. Fill in the necessary information and press "get started!" in the bottom right corner.

    You can try Timezynk for free up to 14 days, then you decide what type of suscription that suits your business.

  2. When logged in, you can start to create a schedule, book users and much more. Here are links to a couple of articles with more in depth information regarding basic settings:
  3. How to add new user & How to manage user profiles.
  4. How to create and book a single shift & How to create and book a repeating shift.
  5. How to send inquiries.
  6. How to create and use shifts and schedule templates.

  7. After getting started there is a couple of other important functions for management, such as:
  8. How to invoice.
  9. How to run a payroll.

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